Welcome to RiteSong

The premium digital library of
music for your worship services

Choose an annual subscription for unlimited downloads throughout the year or purchase individual song downloads at $6.99 each.
  • Browse a vibrant collection of hymns and songs from:
    • The Hymnal 1982
    • The Hymnal 1982 Service Music
    • Wonder, Love, and Praise
    • Lift Every Voice and Sing II
    • Voices Found
    • My Heart Sings Out
    • Enriching Our Music 1 & 2
  • Download lyrics and sheet music as PNG or DOCX files
  • Listen to MP3 sound samples
  • Includes permission for congregational print use
  • Music Library
  • ABI Abingdon
    AFP Augsburg Fortress
    AG Agape (Hope)
    AGEHR American Guild English Handbell Ringers
    ALF Alfred
    AMC Arista
    AUR Aureole
    B&H Boosey & Hawkes
    BAR Bärenreiter
    BEC Beckenhorst
    BEL Belwin-Mills (Warner)
    BOR Bornemann
    BP Beckenhorst Press
    BRD Broadman
    BRE Breitkopf & Härtel
    BRN Bourne
    CC Changing Church/Prince of Peace
    CCMG Capitol Christian Music Group
    CFI Carl Fischer
    CG Choristers Guild
    CPH Concordia
    DOV Dover
    DUR Durand (Presser)
    EAR EarthSongs
    ECS E.C. Schirmer (MorningStar)
    FB Fred Bock Music
    FEL Fellowship Ministries
    FLA Harold Flammer (Shawnee)
    FLG Flagstaff Publications
    FTT From the Top Music
    GAL Galaxy (MorningStar)
    GIA GIA Publications
    GS GlorySound (Shawnee)
    GSCH G. Schirmer
    HAL Hal Leonard
    HIN Hinshaw Music
    HOP Hope
    HWG H.W. Gray (Warner)
    INT Integrity (Capitol CMG)
    JEF Jeffers
    KAL Kalmus
    KJO Kjos
    LAW Lawson-Gould (Warner)
    LED Leduc
    LOH Live Oak House
    LOR Lorenz
    LP The Liturgical Press
    MAR Broadman
    MAY Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
    MFS Mark Foster (Shawnee)
    MMP Master Music Publication
    MSM MorningStar Music
    NOV Novello (Shawnee)
    NPH Northwestern Publishing House
    NPM National Association of Pastoral Musicians
    OCP Oregon Catholic Press
    OXF Oxford University Press
    PAR Paraclete
    PAV Pavane
    PET C.F.Peters
    PRE Theodore Presser
    RR Red River Music
    RSCM Royal School Church Music (GIA)
    SCH Schott
    SEL Selah
    SGM Stained Glass Music
    SHW Shawnee
    SMP Sacred Music Press (Lorenz)
    VIN Vineyard Music
    VIV Vivace
    WAL Walton (GIA)
    WAR Warner/Belwin
    WLP World Library Publications
    WRD Word Music
    WT WorshipTogether.com
    acc accompaniment
    bar baritone
    bng bongos
    br brass
    bsn bassoon
    cant cantor
    ch chimes
    cl clarinet
    cont continuo
    cym cymbal
    DB double or string bass
    dbl double
    desc descant
    div divisi
    drm drum
    eng hrn English horn
    fc finger cymbals
    fl flute
    glock glockenspiel
    gtr guitar
    hb handbells
    hc handchimes
    hp harp
    hpd harpsichord
    hrn horn
    inst instrument
    kybd keyboard
    LE lower elementary
    M medium
    MH medium high
    ML medium low
    mxd mixed
    narr narrator
    ob oboe
    oct octave
    opt optional
    orch orchestra
    org organ
    perc percussion
    picc piccolo
    pno piano
    pt part
    qnt quintet
    qrt quartet
    rec recorder
    sax saxophone
    sop soprano
    str strings
    synth synthesizer
    tamb tambourine
    tba tuba
    tbn trombone
    tpt trumpet
    timp timpani
    trbl treble
    tri triangle
    U unison
    UE upper elementary
    vc violincello
    vcs voices
    vla viola
    vln violin
    wch windchimes
    ww woodwind
    xyl xylophone
RiteSong  contains liturgical materials authorized for use or trial use by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church as well as additional resources which can be authorized for local use.

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